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New Case Ruling: Working Time in the Care Sector 

Working Time in Care Industry | Employment Tribunal Case | HR Solutions

A group of home care providers have been ordered to pay more than £100,000 in backdated earnings, around £10,000 per employee, the equivalent of 9 months full time work at the national minimum wage and holiday pay.    Unison, on behalf of ten employees brought a tribunal claim against three care providers for failing to pay […]

VE Day Bank Holiday 2020

VE Day Holiday 2020 | HR Solutions

Next year only, the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory in Europe Day), will become a bank holiday instead of the usual early May bank holiday.  The decision was made by the UK Government in order to enable as many people as possible to take time to celebrate the end of World War Two and to […]

Attendance bonuses: the positives and the pitfalls

Attendance Bonuses | HR Solutions

Are you considering introducing attendance bonuses? The rationale behind incentives and bonuses is clear enough. It is a sound one. Any scheme introduced by an employer to motivate staff and encourage them to perform at a higher rate is a good thing. In theory, yes, but in practice, certain bonuses can lead the employer into […]

Landmark Case: Working Time Regulations

Working Time Regulations | Workers Rights | HR Solutions

Employers may be required to record hours worked each day for each worker: Federación de Servicios de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) v Deutsche Bank SAE This is a landmark case which found that employers must measure the actual number of hours worked each day by each worker (for the avoidance of doubt, this includes employees). It forces […]

Work travelling time should count as working time

Working Time

The recent European Court of Justice judgement ruled those without a fixed or habitual office should consider the travelling time they spend between their homes and the premises of their first and last jobs as part of their hours for the day. The ruling relates to the Working Time Directive – the European initiative which […]

Legal Update: Travel Time Now Counts as Working Time

Travel Time now counts as Working Time | HR Solutions

Travel time for employees without a fixed place of work now counts as working time following a ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The time that an employee spends travelling from their home to their place of work when they have no fixed place of employment now legally counts as working time. The […]

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