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10 things to do if an employee is struggling with mental health

Mental Health and Wellbeing

During Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re offering our top tips, including what to do if an employee is struggling with mental health. We have heard a great deal about mental ill health in the last few months, whether this has been hearing how people have struggled during the pandemic or struggled as members of the Royal […]

Mental Health Guidance Updated

mental health

Acas has published new guidance this month regarding reasonable adjustments to support mental health in the workplace. Under the Equality Act 2010, mental ill health can be considered a disability, which means that in those cases where it does, an employer is legally obliged to make reasonable adjustments. Reasonable adjustments could be to the job […]

Mental Health Guidance Update

Mental Health

Acas has published new guidance this month regarding reasonable adjustments to support mental health in the workplace. Under the Equality Act 2010, mental ill health can be considered a disability, which means that in those cases where it does, an employer is legally obliged to make reasonable adjustments. Reasonable adjustments could be to the job role, working […]

Neurodiversity in the Workplace


Neurodiversity describes how there are a range of differences in how a person’s brain and cognition function, therefore recognising that we are all different in how our brain processes, learns, and behaves. Neurodiversity encompasses both neurotypical and neurodivergent. Neurotypical means the person has typical neurological development or function whereas neurodivergent describes someone who has brain […]

Could a four-day working week be successful?

four day work week, employee wellbeing

In June 2022, the world’s largest trial of a 4-day working week began with over 60 organisations worldwide taking part, involving around 3,000 UK employees.  Its purpose was to determine whether working four days a week instead of the traditional five improved employee wellbeing and productivity. Firms taking part included office-based software developers, housing, food […]

Mental health set to be a major challenge for 85% of SMEs

mental health, SME challenges

We ran our annual SME Business Survey back in November and when asked what the most important aspects of Health and Safety over the next 12 months, mental health came out top. Of those surveyed, 85% of SME business leaders stated that mental health will be their biggest health and safety challenge in 2023, an […]

Trans Equality in the Workplace

gender recognition

The Equality Act 2010 has protected trans employees since its introduction of the legislation back in 2010. Whilst there is guidance available via several national public bodies, it remains a topic that can leave employers not knowing how best to approach it in the workplace. What do we mean by Trans Employees? Before we consider […]

New mental health and wellbeing plan

In April, the government opened a consultation seeking views on what could be done to improve everyone’s mental health and wellbeing. Acas set out its response to the call for evidence, which dealt with the question “do you have ideas for how employers can support and protect the mental health of their employees”. Some of […]

Stress in the Workplace

This month is stress awareness month; it is an awareness campaign that has been running since 1992. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines work related stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other demands placed on them”. We know from the latest research in the HSE annual statistics (published December […]

How to Support Mental Health at Work

Mental Health at Work | EAP | HR Solutions

Earlier this year, from the 18th to 24th of May 2020 was Mental Health Awareness week, as hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, with the theme of kindness.  The Mental Health Foundation says, “We all have so much going on in our lives, including competing strains and stresses – not to mention the current coronavirus pandemic. This can see kindness pushed to one side, in favour of […]

Absence Management Strategy: A Focus on Mental Health

Absence Management | Mental Health | Human Resources | Employment Law | HR Solutions

Balancing both compliance with employment law, and effective absence management at work can be a minefield for managers. Absence and employee mental health With the number of reported mental health problems increasing year on year it’s vital for businesses to consider employee mental health in the same bracket as employee physical health. This includes removing […]

How to deal with bullying in the workplace

How To Manage Bullying in the Workplace | HR Solutions

A survey of over 2,000 UK employees found that more than a third (37%) have been victim to bullying in the workplace.   While it’s a challenge to find up to date statistics on the state of bullying in the workplace in the UK, there is an interesting 2015 survey that was conducted for solicitors Slater […]

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