Menopause Mismanagement Costs Employer £60,000
This case involves the unfair dismissal of Allison Shearer, a teacher employed by South Lanarkshire Council, who was awarded over £60,000 after her worsening menopause symptoms during a dispute about moving to a different school base led to her termination. Allison Shearer, an experienced English teacher working with pupils with additional needs, was employed by […]
Break the taboo and talk about menopause
Menopause in the workplace: How to support your employees, will be held on Tuesday 30th January at 10am. The online seminar will promote awareness, talk about how the menopause can impact work and offer tips and guidance to business owners on how they can support their employees. Victoria Templeton, HR Knowledge Manager and Sue Watson, […]
Disability discrimination claim win for employee with menopause symptoms
As October marks Menopause Awareness Month, with Menopause Awareness Day taking place on 18 October 2023, its important to highlight the recent case of Ms Lynskey vs Direct Line. Ms Lynskey won the claim for disability discrimination when her employer failed to adjust its performance management system. Background to the case Ms Lynskey joined Direct […]
Menopause health and wellbeing
As Menopause Awareness Month draws to a close, its an important time to highlight that the latest data released by Acas tell us that 33% of employers do not feel well equipped to support an employee going through the menopause and those that do, only 46% feel confident in doing so. A company’s health and […]
Impact of Menopause in the Workplace
The Government has now responded to a report on the impact of menopause in the workplace following an independent report published at the end of last year. One of the questions raised was whether the menopause should be considered as a separate Protected Characteristic for discrimination purposes. It has now responded to these recommendations as […]
Menopause Awareness Month: managing the menopause in the workplace
The menopause is a taboo subject, especially within the workplace. We know from research that those employees who fall in this demographic are, in general, treated negatively because of it. October is World Menopause Month, and 18th October is World Menopause Day – created to raise awareness and provide support to those going through it. […]
The Menopause and Age Discrimination
Employers and employees alike may find the menopause a difficult topic to discuss as it is, of course, a sensitive and personal matter. Menopause and women in work The menopause is part of the natural ageing process for women, usually in their late 40s or 50s, and it can have a significant impact on women in […]