Can calling someone bald amount to harassment?

What is the case about? In the case of Mr A Finn v The British Bung Manufacturing Company Ltd, the employment tribunal considered whether a bald man was subjected to sex related harassment in the workplace by his line manager or whether the name calling was an insult which did not meet the threshold of […]
What makes a dismissal fair?

In this article we discuss what makes a fair dismissal. We look at the 5 potentially fair reasons for dismissal, the importance of policies and procedures, consistent treatment, and what is meant by the phrase “band of reasonable responses”. The legal test The Employment Rights Act 1996, section 98 (4) (ERA) sets out the statutory […]
Protecting Your Business

At a time of uncertainty, you will want to do everything within your means to keep your business running smoothly and to limit risk. As we continue to respond to Covid-19, managing the employment relationship is even more critical to ensure your business can survive and thrive. The biggest cost to any employer is its […]