Why we are seeing an increasing need to support long term sickness

Here is the Hot Topic for March 2024 and an accompanying webinar will follow, which will be hosted on 14 March 2024. Last year, new data was published that provided startling statistics about sickness absence and the UK labour market for 2023. In this month’s Hot Topic, we are going to focus specifically on long […]
Dealing with unexpected absences

Unexpected absences can often present challenges for employers, and – September has not begun as expected! Not only has there been significant disruption with major technical issues with the UK’s air traffic control systems, but Gatwick airport has been hit by further disruption in recent days due to staff shortages. This hasn’t only impacted holidaymakers returning […]
Return to work interviews

Many organisations include return to work interviews as part of their absence management procedure, requiring employees to meet with their line manager on return from every sickness absence irrespective of the length of the absence. They are widely recognised as the most effective tool for managing absence. Not only are they effective at managing and […]
Return to work interviews – Why do them?

Do you have high levels of short-term absence? Do you struggle to maintain productivity due to staff shortages? In this article we explore why and how a return to work interview can become an effective business tool for reducing sickness absence. On Thursday 13th April from 10am – 11am, we will be exploring return to […]
Absence Management Strategy: A Focus on Mental Health

Balancing both compliance with employment law, and effective absence management at work can be a minefield for managers. Absence and employee mental health With the number of reported mental health problems increasing year on year it’s vital for businesses to consider employee mental health in the same bracket as employee physical health. This includes removing […]
Employee health and wellbeing: managing absence and lateness

Let’s discuss employee health and wellbeing in relation to absence as well as lateness. What are the effects that absence and lateness can have on your business, and what are the most effective ways to manage them? Absent and constantly late employees don’t just affect your organisation’s productivity; they can also have a negative impact […]