Payroll Update – July 2023

Ethnicity pay reporting It has been announced this month, that following a Government consultation on ethnicity pay reporting, the Goverment will not be mandating it for organisations. The consultation was introduced initially because it ws felt that greater transparency was needed in this area and felt it needed to be aligned with mandatory gender pay […]
Can it be reasonable to dismiss on written evidence alone?

The case The case of Charalambous v National Bank of Greece looks at whether a Disciplinary Manager must meet with an employee before deciding to dismiss. Mr Charalambous was accused of data breach because he was alleged to have breached the company’s data security policies. The hearing found him guilty and he was dismissed for […]
Can it be reasonable to dismiss on written evidence alone

The case of Charalambous v National Bank of Greece looks at whether a Disciplinary Manager must meet with an employee before deciding to dismiss. Mr Charalambous was accused of data breach because he was alleged to have breached the company’s data security policies. The hearing found him guilty and he was dismissed for gross misconduct. However, the […]
10 Key considerations when using AI in the workplace

If businesses are to remain competitive and have the advantage, they must embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is groundbreaking and this rapid change in technology is making fundamental changes to how we live and work and is being cited as the 4th industrial revolution. We know that AI can streamline processes which if managed correctly, […]