Return to Work Interviews – Why do them?
Return to Work Interviews – Why Do Them? Do you have high levels of short-term absence? Do you struggle to maintain productivity due to staff shortages? Join us in this webinar as we explore why and how a return-to-work interview can become an effective business tool for reducing sickness
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Neurodiversity describes how there are a range of differences in how a person’s brain and cognition function, therefore recognising that we are all different in how our brain processes, learns, and behaves. Neurodiversity encompasses both neurotypical and neurodivergent. Neurotypical means the person has typical neurological development or function whereas neurodivergent describes someone who has brain […]
Return to work interviews
Many organisations include return to work interviews as part of their absence management procedure, requiring employees to meet with their line manager on return from every sickness absence irrespective of the length of the absence. They are widely recognised as the most effective tool for managing absence. Not only are they effective at managing and […]